Light and Water
Dappled sun or bright sunlight? frequent watering or just a sprinkle? Its often hard to judge how much will become too much for you babies who can never learn to speak. We have tried to figure out some ground rules for better thriving plants.
Weather you are parenting a couple of plants or have housed an exhaustive nursery , it is important to understand the individual requirement of each one of them. As a general feedback from most people, I have seen that people often avoid keeping more plants because they cannot keep up with the care part.
So how do we manage as busy working people who love to have a fleet of plant babies at home? While rearing our little army, we formulated some thumb rules to make this part easy.
Although we bring houseplants as a part of homestyling as well and there is a whole library of books talking on plant styling, but here in this section we will try to ease ourselves by grouping plants according to their requirements. We will share our personal experiences through which we could make things go like a piece of cake for you.
Firstly we will dig into the origin of houseplants. Most house plants have their origin in tropical or subtropical forests. The ability to survive inside the house stems from the habitat found in tropical regions. Often the floor of these dense green jungles is receives no sunlight or even if it does, it is filtered through the leaves. Most of the houseplants have their natural habitat in such forest floors. So, basically we are not training them to grow inside our homes, instead we are mimicking their natural habitat at our homes to keep them happy and thriving.

So, all your favorites from the tropics like chinese evergreen, bromeliads, Philodendrons etc they all do great in filtered sun. Some of these like peace lily and a chinese evergreen are great for dark corridors because they essentially grow on the forest floor and are used to less or no sun.
The rule is to avoid too much". No houseplant can tolerate complete dark (a closed jet dark washroom) or direct sun. Houseplants easily get scalded under the sun. So, until unless the plant is used to direct sunlight, never place it under direct sun. Even succulents that can thrive harsh sun, grow chapped leaves under scorching sun and develop beefy juicy leaves under the sheers. So, conclusively, house plants are those selective species that do great inside a house. That means house plants in general, will do great under the sheers, but if you want to group some at a sunny spot or in dark corridors, go through the list we have jotted out.

We apply the same philosophy to water requirements as well. For instance, most palm species are found thriving near the banks of running streams in sandy soils. Such plants require moist, well drained soil. Too much of water can lead to root rot and too less can leave the plant thirsty. Houseplants in general, do not have high water requirements. You only need to make sure that the soil doesn't dry out. Most rotting problems rule out if the potting mix is well draining.