Elixir of Life
It rained pure,we littered it;
It filtered down the earth;we polluted it again
We polluted the streams,the ocean, and even the rain
Soon all the throats will run dry, and water will be flooding the drains
Planetous tries to bring forth all such efforts, that can save all those precious drops of water from slipping down the drains in vain.
The three Rs of Water Conservation
One stream to wash nine sins
Before it slips off to the bins
Reusing wastewater is the real challenge.Although reducing water wastage itself does a lot towards water conservation, but with overburdening world population and highly water stressed patches in the world,Reuse of waste water has become need of the hour.
Rainwater Harvesting
The imminence of water crisis is not a hidden fact. Rainwater harvesting can be that hidden pot of gold you wish to leave for your generations to come. Planetous unravels all the permutations and combinations for different family size and housing arrangements to harvest all those drops of pure rain to be fetched when city taps will run dry.
Its not water,its life slipping down the drain.